Doporučená videa
Ty nejlepší videa, která jsem viděl v oblasti zdraví a seberozvoje
Longevity & Why I now eat One Meal a Day
Why has Nutrition been so complicated? This video tells the story about why 3 meals a day is unnecessary and how eating ONE meal a day can make being healthy much simpler.
Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? (Science of Fasting)
This is about the drastic physiological differences between fasting and eating less
PROČ je cukr stejně špatný, jako alkohol (fruktóza, toxin jater)
This video shows how Sugar leads to the same problems as Alcohol by examining the Biochemistry.
Intermittent Fasting & Hunger - What the Science says
This video will explain why hunger won’t get worse and worse while fasting and why keeping your blood glucose and insulin low & why trying a keto diet will help you adapt to fasting a lot easier.
Proč jsme tlustí a hladoví / (Biologie tloustnutí a nízko-sacharidové stravy)
Toto video vysvětluje historii, data a biologii, na kterých opravdu záleží při tloustnutí a začarovaný kruh vytvořený špatným stravováním
Proč je cvičení tak podceňované (Souvislost cvičení s sílou mozku)
Diet and health has always been a big topic as of recently, especially with the number of overweight and obese people with diabetes increasing. While there is a bit of a fight between low carb and high carb, the thing that deserves the most attention is quitting sugar, as cutting out refined sugars and processed foods is the most sure-fire way to improving health and regulating weight. The mindset and approach of really understanding how and why bad habits like this develop can be applied to all sorts of things (stop smoking etc )
Is Ketosis Dangerous? (Science of Fasting & Low Carb Keto)
Ketogenic diets and fasting have gained a lot of attention and foods like coconut oil, MCT Oil, Grassfed butter and the like have come along for the ride. But some people are still worried about adverse health effects considering this movement runs entirely against conventional health „wisdom.“ Our biology might just *prefer* ketones to glucose/carbohydrate.
Carnivore Diet: Why would it work? What about Nutrients and Fiber?
This video is a break down of what I thought to be common concerns when it comes to the carnivore diet, recently popularized by Jordan Peterson & His daughter Mikhaila Peterson. Some might call it „extreme“ or „dangerous“ or „a really bad idea,“ but is it? Many people are having several health conditions healed by eating this diet, some are having improvements despite having been doing a paleo diet or keto diet. People are having relief from arthritis, psoriasis, and various inflammatory conditions, and yes they are experiencing weight loss too. But what about nutrients? Isn’t a lack of vitamin C going to give them all scurvy? What about constipation due to no fiber? And why would cutting out plants heal people? This is what the video addresses.
Je lepek opravdu tak špatný pro vaše zdraví? | Věda
Proč omezení, nebo uplné vyřazení pšenice a lepku ze stravy může zlepšit váše zdraví. Mimo faktu, že strava, ze které jsou vyřazeny obilniny, je stravou pomáhající k redukci váhy, jaké další knokrétní výhody má takovýto způsob stravování? To je otákza, na kterou toto video odpovídá. Knihy jako „pšeničný pupek“ výrazně zvýšily popularitu bezlepkové diety, ale kvůli jejímu rapidnímu nárůstu na popularitě si takovéto diety vysloužily nálepku „módního výstřelku“. Téma výživy, stejně jako lidské tělo, je velmi komplikovaná záležitost. Zpracoval jsem některé důvody, proč by vyřazení lepku ze stravy mělo podpořit hubnutí a zlepšit zdravotní stav, především zdraví trávicího traktu a potíže jako je syndrom dráždivého trakčníku. Výhod, o kterých se zmíním ve videu, je ve skutečnosti mnohem více.
The Story of Fat: Why we were Wrong about Health
This is the story of how we came to be afraid of fat and cholesterol & Why the anti fat mindset has made a lot of people’s health worse
How the Gut Microbiome affects the Brain and Mind
The gut microbiota is a huge topic and has some very significant implications for health and nutrition. Here I’ve explained just a tiny bit of the research
Do Calories Matter? Is a Calorie a Calorie? (Science of Weight Gain)
This video describes why calories gives you only a small slice of the picture for understanding weight loss. The body is constantly changing its operations to maintain homeostasis, and the food you take in has a drastic effect on these operations- the operation of hormones in particular. I made another video on calories before that I feel fell short in a couple ways, so I thought it was important to give it another shot. It’s really hard to dig in and properly understand health if you are operating off the idea that calories are (most) significant for weight management.
Why is Nutrition Science so Complicated?
Včera byly vejce zabiják, dnes jsou zase superjídlo, jak tu bude zítra? Aneb proč je věda o výživě plná zmatků…
Salt: Are you getting Enough? (More Sodium & Health)
Most people are taught to get less salt to be healthy, but for most cases *more* is likely safer. Salt doesn’t get too much attention nowadays as most people are taught that a low sodium diet is always going to be better than a high sodium diet, and that’s all there is to it. However, the low salt advice that has become conventional wisdom doesn’t pan out for several reasons.
Intermittent Fasting - How it Affects Sleep
It’s common to have sleep trouble with fasting, but intermittent fasting should actually improve sleep. Here’s why
Low Carb & Keto: What about Cholesterol?
The human brain is an exceedingly complex organ, and while we don’t fully understand it, it is what we have to use to understand and interact with the world around us. Research is showing that there is a very powerful connection between the nervous system and movement. Exercise has been shown to facilitate the growth of new neurons, paving the way for greater intelligence.
Why You Shouldn't RELY on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Vitamínové a minerální doplňky se staly v posledních letech velmi populární, jaké jsou ale limity v jejich schopnosti přispívat našemu zdraví?
Can you Cure Diabetes? | Does Fat cause Type 2 Diabetes?
Jde cukrovka vyléčit? A opravdu je tuk ve stravě mezi hlavními přičinamy cukrovky?
Low Sodium's link to Fat Gain & Insulin Resistance (Salt vs. Sugar)
Jaký je vztah nedostatku soli s tloustnutím a inzulínové rezistenci?
WHY Low Salt Stresses the Body (Sodium, Hormones & Potassium)
Proč nedostakek soli škodí tělu. (Vztah sodíku, draslíku a hormonů)
Why are we still Counting Calories? (History vs. Science)
A quick look at why the ability to measure calories much earlier than we could measure hormones has affected weight loss approaches
Meat: Grows the Brain or Rusts the Body?
Někteří lidé tvrdí, že maso je jed a měli by jsme ho jíst minimum a nebo ho nejíst vůbec, jiní lidé ho naopak vyzdvihují jako ideální jídlo. Co říká věda?
HOW to get more quality sleep | (Science of Sleep Pt 2)
We all know that we should get more sleep, but we get stuck on the „how.“ Here we look at how to get more quality sleep with some basic yet powerful techniques based on how your body works.
WHY Sleep is critical for the Body and Brain | Science of Sleep
Most of us think „less sleep, *more time for* life“ This video is all about why sleep is a huge factor in getting *more out of* life. Sleep is particularly important for memory, mental flexibility, creativity and the development of novel insights. If you’re someone who’s staying up to get more done, you may be sacrificing your chance at sparking that big idea that takes you to the next level. Even for the body, if you’re aiming to gain muscle or just sleep, you’re shooting yourself in the foot by not getting enough sleep.
LESS Breath: Better Health? | Mouth Breathing vs. Nasal Breathing
This video is about the importance of training yourself to breathe properly to improve health and even exercise performance. The series Stranger Things has somewhat brought the term „mouth breather“ back into circulation, but there needs to be more education on the importance of avoiding breathing through the mouth at all times – even when asleep
Why Drink Butter Coffee? The Science of Bulletproof Coffee
The science / point of BulletProof Coffee and or any variation that uses MCT and another type of fat.
Does Coffee make you Fat and Anxious?
Káva nám dodává lepší náladu a energii, jaká ale může být jeho stinná stránka pro některé lidi?
Attractive Face or Not? It depends on Tongue Posture
Atraktivní nebo neatraktivní tvář? Není to o genech ale o JAZYKU. Aneb jak pozice a síla našeho jazyku ovlivňuje vývoj naší tváře….
Proč je cvičení tak podceňované (Souvislost cvičení s sílou mozku)
The human brain is an exceedingly complex organ, and while we don’t fully understand it, it is what we have to use to understand and interact with the world around us. Research is showing that there is a very powerful connection between the nervous system and movement. Exercise has been shown to facilitate the growth of new neurons, paving the way for greater intelligence.
5 Steps to Stop Procrastinating, Focus & Be Productive
A surprisingly simple process I use based on 5 concepts to consistently be productive and generate creative ideas
Why Meditate? | Change your Brain's Default Mode
Neuroscience behind why meditation helps you control your mind.
What's the point of Depression?
This video aims to give some context for understanding what causes depression and why. It may be surprising to know that inflammation has a huge impact on your mood and health
WHY Porn Changes the Brain | Science of NoFap [SFW]
This is about why high speed internet pornography has such high potential for making negative changes in the brain
Where do Emotions come from? You create them.
Odkud přichází tvé emoce? Vytvářís si je sám…
Emotions are Negotiable | How we can control Mood through our Physiology
S emocemi se dá vyjednávat – jak můžeme měnit naše emoce skrze naše tělo…
Willpower is for Losers
Síla vůle se přeceňuje – proč je lepší pracovat chytře, než tvrdě…
How to Learn a Language: INPUT (Why most methods don't work)
DOSPĚLÍ LIDÉ SE NEJLÉPE UČÍ JAZYK ÚPLNĚ STEJNĚ JAKO MIMINA. Hlavní ůvod, proč mají naše skoly tak hrozné výsledky v učení jazyků je, že nás ho učí spatně, lídé se jazyk NEUČÍ, líde jazyk příjímají…
The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink
Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.
The surprising science of happiness | Dan Gilbert
Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want. Our „psychological immune system“ lets us feel truly happy even when things don’t go as planned.
The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor
We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk from TEDxBloomington, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity.
Are we in control of our decisions? | Dan Ariely
Dr. Dominic D’Aostino přednáší o aplikaci nutriční ketózy v medicíně i každodenním životě.
How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question „Why?“ His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers — and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.
Shut your Mouth and Change your Life | Patrick McKeown | TEDxGalway
Decongest your nose, increase your body temperature and activate your bodies relaxation response in three to four minutes by simply altering your breath. Author of The Oxygen Advantage, Patrick McKeown guides a TEDx audience to do just that.